Thursday, June 17, 2010

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

i used to LOVE the emo/scene fashion and wanted to dye my hair crazy colours, but now im really starting to hate it.

i have a wardrobe full of emo clothes, what sort of clothes should i get to look normal again?

please dont say wear what you like, because i like anythin! (cept emo stuff).

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

get some stripper shoes...and maybe a gladiator outfit

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

Watch popular teen tv shows and see how they are dressed, then go find stuff like it that you like. Teen magazines would be good too.

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

i always used to wear black and everyone called me emo so then i started wearing colourful things and now everyone has forgotten about it.

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

well the emo scene does have its down fall because there clothes stand out in the wring light.

i would say go shopping and where to a point what most people in your age group think is fashionable.not saying copy but base on that look.

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?



I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

you can mix and match with the emo clothes and normal you can wear the emo pants with a cute really lose shirt or the emo shirts with normal ripped just have to play around with it....I love shopping and I liked the emo style for awhile but then EVERYONE wanted it and I just started mix matching clothes and it turned out alright. Get some normal jeans that you love and get some new shirts.....hit up the mall and local stores.....just have fun with your dont have to have one style just have fun with it!

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

a few nice pair of jeans, straight leg

some nice tops, with alot of colour

a few pairs of good shoes, necklaces etc

with makeup i suggest you lower your intake of eyeliner, try and brighten up your face with some bronzer

you can buy a good fashion magazine for a few dollars, they always ahve good fahsion ideas.

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

wow, way to be a f*cking stereotype.

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

u kno wat! u shouldnt care at all what style catagorie u fall into

be urself, dont ask others what u should be

cuz thats retarted

im sorry but it is

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

Go out and get the latest fashion mags. if you're a teen get teen mags, if not try O or something like that in fashion,or you can check out the newest looks right here on the net.

After you see whats in, then you decide which look suits you, and you should go with your body type, because say for instance you are a little on the heavy side, you wouldn't want to pick out a large flowered dress that would draw attention to your hips and butt, or an ill- fitting garment, no matter what the style looks just that ill- fitting.

You can camouflage your bad areas, like for instance, I have a large tummy, and huge breast, but when I wear long jackets

with dresses or skirts, these problems become unnoticeable.

Black always slims, and white does the opposite(smile).

Why not have some fun and take some friends with you shopping, and try on various styles to you find one that fits you. ( make sure they Are friends, or who knows what they may talk you into buying.)

Unless you have money to burn, don't throw out your wardrobe,but revamp it to tone it down. If you used to wear an outfit with gitzzy acessories, like outragous belts or scarfs, get rid of them. Have you ever heard of swap-a-rama? Look it up in your area in the yellow pages or on the net. You can take your unwanted clothes there and swap them for ones you

like. Don't forget Good Will if you simply wish to make space in your closet. So have fun and go with the flow to creat your new stlye. Hope I gave you a few ideas to start.

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

avoid them, and enjoy your life

God Bless

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

where what suits your personality... if your a sporty person go for the nice shorts and sporty shirts/tops.. etc... go with what you feel comftable have a look in the popular clothing stores ... and make your own style be an individual not like everyone else

I always get labelled emo and i hate emo?

Right now. Its "the tend" to be Emo/scene/goth ect.

You need to think a head. Will I like this in a month???

'Emo' Is a type of rock music.

So if you are telling us you dress in Rock Music.

You REALLY need to get a life.

If you are getting picked on by getting called 'emo'.

Where ever you are. You need to stand up.

If some one told you to jump off a 8458437 Tree.

Would you do it?. Only do It IF YOU WANT TO.

Not because some person told you to.

Is it your personality that you want to show off??.

"normal again" right. Do you like the what you have?.

Dont ask us. Ask yourself and whatever comes with it comes with it.

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